Lumi Logs are attached to Cards. 

1. Open the Card you wish to create a Log for, and click the three dotsin the top-right corner, then select "New Log".

Note, if you can't see "New Log" in the menu, it means you need to enable the Logs feature

Or, open the Logs tab, and then click "Add Log".

The "Add Log to Card" dialog will open. 

2. Enter the following details:

Name: Enter a relevant name for your Log. 

Date: Defaults to today. You can change the date by clicking the calendar icon on the right.

Timezone: Defaults to the Project's timezone (as per Project Settings). You can edit the Log timezone by clicking in the field and selecting the relevant timezone.

Shortcuts: You can create shortcuts which will display as buttons at the top of your Log. This allows you to simply click the buttons to quickly add a comment. It allows for consistency of comments so you can easily find what you are looking for. You can also filter your log by shortcuts.

Enter the name of your first Shortcut, and give it a colour (optional). 

Click "+" button to add additional Shortcuts.

Save as default Shortcuts: You have the option to only create the shortcuts for this Log, or to select "Save as default Shortcuts". Saving as default will save the shortcuts to the Project, so they will be at the top of every Log created for the Project. Default shortcuts can still be edited at any time.

Cameras: You can add cameras to your Log by clicking the downward arrow to expand the options, and selecting the relevant cameras.

You can choose to use either letters or numbers to represent your cameras.

Use Letters: Toggle on (blue) to use letters, or toggle off (grey) to use numbers.

3. Click "Add & Open" to start logging. 

See the Lumi Logs Help Guide for comprehensive information on using Logs.