Lumi is deployed on Microsoft Azure’s SaaS service.

The App and document servers are hosted in Microsoft Azure data centres in the “Australia East” region (in NSW, Australia).

All data in Lumi is kept safe in Azure’s double encrypted, offsite redundant backup storage. All media (documents, images etc.) and the database data itself are encrypted in transit (SSL) and at rest.

Azure provides extremely secure facilities with world class back-up and security.

Our Azure servers are fronted by CloudFlare for DDoS protection, caching speed of delivery and web threat shielding. For more information see:

Microsoft provides an incredibly high level of data security that far exceeds what most, even large, companies achieve when self hosting.

You can find more information on Microsoft’s security standards and procedures here:

By using the Microsoft Azure SaaS platform Lumi gains the backing of the Azure Security Center (ASC) that helps prevent and detect threats with tools that monitor traffic, collect logs, and analyze these data sources. Security Health Monitoring in ASC helps identify and solve potential vulnerabilities. Microsoft has a detailed Security Incident Response Management and notification process specific to Azure and maintains security certifications for Azure, including ISO 27001, SOC 1 & 2 Type 2, FedRAMP, and PCI Level 1.

Security Tips 

Our top suggestions for keeping your information secure:

  • Regularly change your Lumi passwords, do not use the same or common passwords across multiple applications. 
  • Be mindful where you store, write or share passwords. 
  • Regularly monitor your User access via your user page, and make sure any old staff no longer have access.
  • Make sure you're using the appropriate user levels, and only giving Admin privileges to senior staff
  • Use Vaults to control access to confidential information in your Project
  • Investigate any other software you are using that allows staff to easily copy and paste in bulk onto personal devices (ie server folders and google drives)