Removing a User from a Project 

Project Admins and Account Admins can manage the users within their specific project. Team Member users can also view this page, but are unable to edit it.  

To remove a User from a specific project:

  1. Open the relevant project.
  2. Click your avatar on the bottom-left to see the user menu.
  3. Select "Access Management".

This will take you to the "User" page for that project.  From here, you can view all users that have access to the project.

Find the user you want to remove, then right-click on their row to reveal the context menu.

Click "Remove [user name] from Project".

The user will be removed from this list and a "User removed" toast will display at the bottom-right. 

There is currently no automated email sent to the removed user.

Note: Removing a user from a project does not delete the user from the organisation, it only removes their access to this specific project. See "How do I deactivate / delete a user from my organisation?" if this is what you want to do.

Remove a User from Multiple Projects 

Account Admin users can remove a user from multiple projects at once on the Manage Users page.

Note, Project Admins and Team Users don't have access to this page.

To access the Manage Users page, select your personal avatar in the bottom-left corner of your Lumi browser, and select "Manage Users". 

The "Manage Users" page will open, showing all users in your organisation, and all the projects they have access to.

2. Find the relevant user, then double-click their "Project" row and deselect any projects you want to remove them from.