You can add headers and footers when printing or exporting Rundowns, Day Schedules and Callsheets in Lumi. These are called Designs.

To add or edit Designs, go to settings then to Designs

Press the dropdown box to select and exisiting Design to edit, or press the plus next to the box to create a new Design.

This is the "Add New Design" window. Create a title for your Design.

Then select Rundown/Day Schedule or Callsheet or both from the "Where can this design be used?" dropdown. When you export to PDF or print your Rundowns, Day Schedules or Callsheets, you will be able to select from the Designs you've allocated here. This can be edited later. 

Now choose your "Design Purpose" from either Header or Footer. 

Finally, add your design in the window. This could be text or an image, such as company logo below. Whatever you choose to create. Hit "Add & Close" when you're finished. Remember, you can always edit your Designs later or add more.